This month, Runnymede college celebrated Earth Day recently with years 7 to 9 (Key Stage 3) all getting involved in various activities during both form time and as part of the after school curriculum. We, as a community, believe that Earth Day is important because it is vital not only to educate people about our environment but to additionally act on this information in a whole range of ways, including recycling or volunteering. Over the years, Earth Day has been recognised worldwide by more than 1 billion people and by over 193 countries. It was first held on April 22nd, 1970, and has been celebrated annually ever since. The official topic for this year is ‘Invest In Our Planet’.
The Runnymede community has been enthusiastically celebrating Earth day values. Many activities and events have been organised by the Geography department in order to spread awareness to help our beautiful environment. The Runnymede Creative Club got involved too, helping with the ‘Runnymede Pledge Tree’. During form time, students helped by giving a paper to fill in. These papers contained ‘Earth Day pledges’ written by students and teachers of the Runnymede community. These pledges are now displayed at the school dining room to raise awareness and encompass pledges from our entire community.
Students have also been encouraged to read through guidance to help our
environment on the Earth Day website! And take a look at some of the pledges to get some ideas too.
Leni G. and Claudia G.
Year 9
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